We had a great time at the Quayle Reunion. It was fun to get reacquainted with everyone once again. Mom and Dad, Jill, and our car load all arrived at approximately the same time. (around 5:30) First on the agenda was the picnic at one of Boise's many beautiful parks. After navigating a couple of other large gettogethers, we found the Quayle clan. Fried chicken, salads, chips, fruit, rolls, and drinks were the fare. Everyone milled around and visited with one another while the younger crew played on the large blown up fun slide that was set up for the occasion. It was nice to see Grandma Cunnington there. She seemed pretty perky, but a little overwhelmed by it all. Golf teams were organized and plans made for Saturday. Linda Orchard loaded us up with what seemed like 30 lbs of chicken and rolls to take back to our motel.
Saturday, Bill, Wendy, and I all went jogging along the spectacular parkway (paved trail along the river). Our motel was right on the river. I saw a family of 5 raccoons enjoying the quiet morning before the trail became a busy highway of bikers, runners, and walkers later in the day.
Bill joined his golf team (Roger Marti, Danny Orchard, and Dan Price) and we were off to the zoo with Grandma, Grandpa, and Jill. "Zoo Boise" is just the right size for those who lose interest in zoos after approximately 90 minutes. Some of our favorites were the Tamarinds (little monkeys who look like Albert Einstein), Ocelots (small spotted South American cats) and the butterfly exhibit with several species of butterflies flying about your head and landing on anything they find inviting. After exploring the zoo, our lunch consisted of some of the 30 lbs of chicken.
Bill's golf outing proved to be quite gratifying as his team shot a 62 (10 under par!) to win the golf championship. Bill scored the longest drive netting him an Idaho spud golf ball.
After much confusion with directions, we made it to the Fiesta dinner at an LDS church. It was a festive mood as we all chowed down on Mexican food. The program, as always, was highly entertaining as Dennis (yes, Dennis Orchard) gave a funny spoof of a letter supposedly written between Don and Doug Quayle in their younger days. Mom doing the annual "Old McDonald had a Farm" bit with Betty stealing the show as the cow (or was it cat?). Many other infamous and not so infamous acts entertained everyone greatly. Bill and the kids were ready to go back to the motel, so I stayed with Jill, Grandma, and Grandpa for the rest of the party. Unfortunately, the late schedule did not allow everyone to take part in one of the funnest parts of the reunion, Craig Marti's band. After a rousing rendition of the Kink's "You Really Got Me", we all danced the night away, getting quite crazy, I must say.
Sunday morning, we met at Doug and DeeAnn's for brunch, pictures, more reminiscing, and goodbyes. Aside from the reunion at the water slide resort in Utah, I really felt this was one of the more enjoyable reunions. I felt more of a connection with my relatives than I really have before. So, maybe we'll see you in D.C. in two years. Start saving!