We carved some sweet pumpkins last weekend. We got really gooey and sticky and slimy and all that good stuff that comes with the pumpkin-carving territory. I love carving pumpkins, and I think Dave just does it to humor me....

I thought Dave's looked a lot like Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas, except not as evil looking.
On Saturday, we participated in the "Muddy Monster" Cross Country race in Cedar Rapids. And it definately lived up to it's name. The course was super muddy after two days of rain, making us feel extra hard core. That's true cross country! Lots of people were dressed up in Halloween costumes and the volunteers scattered around the course were instructed to "scare" us as we ran by. It was actually really annoying.
Luckily for the rest of us, this guy didn't get scared enough.

It was a beee-yooo-tee-ful day!

We won neon green bags. Cool, huh?

Dave post-race. He was so awesome! It's no wonder he was tired. See results here