Fast forward 25 years, give or take. I have occasionally brought up the fact that I was never proposed to properly, you know; boy kneels on one knee; boy nervously asks girl to become his eternal companion; girl thinks it over for....... not long; girl answers "Yes!".
August 10, 2010, we are flying down a very busy I80 just outside of Sacramento. Bill pulls over amid freeway construction onto the "V" of an off ramp. Cars are flying by and I'm thinking what in the world is going on? Does he actually want me to drive in this nightmare of traffic? He gets out of the car, comes over to my side, opens the door, gets down on one knee and bravely inquires something like this; "Would you be my wife?" Do you wonder what my answer is? I said, "Of course I would! Now get back in the car before it's the end of "us"."
Is that sweet or what?
More pictures to come of the end of summer.