
Where we roam with the deer and the antelope.

Christmas in Oregon

Christmas in Oregon

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It must be Halloween

So Dad has sent me a few pictures this week that I just think need to be shared. It's homecoming week at Lund High School!

Monday? Yep, you guessed it: Hippie Day.
So awesome.

Not awesome.

I have three words for you: you. are. brave.
And three more for you dad: Get it OFF!

And James? I'm speechless.

I don't even know what this is all about. Dad, please explain. That spider sure as heck better be fake!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bounteous Garden

I wish I could share all of this with you. I need more vegetable lovers here. I still have potatoes and squash to harvest and more tomatoes. We still have not had a hard frost yet so the garden keeps living.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

St. George Marathon

Port-a-potties, our friends
Bill shows off his iv bag and medal. The medals looked like real sandstone.

Aw, cooling our tired feet in the gutters of St. George.

Well, looks like we survived.

Warming by the bonfires, waiting for the race to get underway.

Bill finished his 5th and I my first! We gave everything we had as temps in St. George climbed into the upper 80s. The course was scenic and mostly downhill, although there were a couple of significant uphill sections. Bill was on pace to run a 3:30 marathon, but with a half mile to go his body would not cooperate. Two police officers on bikes jumped into action and helped him nearly the rest of the way. He finished in 3:45:24. It took him over 15 minutes to go the last half mile. He was then carried to the medical tent where he was given 2 liters of fluid through an iv. I finished in 4:29:42, just under my goal of 4:30. The last 3 miles were a mental and physical struggle. Was it worth it? Absolutely! Will we run another one? Give us a couple weeks to recover and we'll think about it. More pictures and results.