The learning curve was steep this week, but I witnessed and was a part of some extraordinary blessings this week. In her weekly email a few weeks back, Sister Harris quoted Elder Bednar, "Sometimes we may ask God for success and he gives us physical and mental stamina. We might plead for prosperity and we receive enlarged perspective and increased patience, or we may petition for growth and are blessed with the gift of grace. He may bestow upon us conviction and confidence as we strive to achieve worthy goals. And when we plead from relief from physical, mental and spiritual difficulties, he may increase our resolve and resilience." I had been pondering that quote because of the change of direction my life has taken these past few months. I was thinking, "Hey, you got this, just remember why you are doing this. If it's the right thing, Heavenly Father will give you the strength and courage you need to keep going and everything will work out." Then the floor dropped out from under me and I found myself on a flight to Washington D.C. not knowing how Wendy was and what I could do to help. Wow! If at anytime I needed some extra help, this was the time. Instead, Heavenly Father taught me some important lessons. I won't go into them right now. Suffice it to say, He knows our weaknesses and he knows what we need. Instead, I want to talk about the amazing blessings I was given.
The blessings of modern medicine. Even though everything doesn't go as planned or as smoothly as we would like,I was amazed at how less evasive the procedure was.
Bonus of spending another week with my grandkids. I wish it was under better circumstances, but being able to see them again was great.
Witnessing this cute capable family and knowing that Oakley and Peter have incredible parents who are doing their best to raise them in a gospel centered home. They are so capable that they really didn't need me to do too much. But I was glad I was there.
Being able to spend more time with Lesly. What a fun, doting and loving aunt and sister she is. I wish we lived closer.
Modern travel made this all possible.
And last, but certainly not least, my amazing husband who made all of the arrangements for me to go and took such good care of me to make sure I did not get lost again traveling to and from the airport (that's another story). He is so awesome that he left me a fun valentine trail to follow when I arrived home late last night. See pictures.