I come to this blog every once in a while when I find a spare moment, transparantly hoping to hear the latest from the H-troop in L-town, and every time I find it still says: Harris Family Blog, Last Post, October 7, 2007. And this makes me sad. This blog was such a great idea (thanks Mom)! What a better way for us to keep in touch, send pictures, tell funny stories, relate sad news, be goofballs, and for Wendy to practice up in her journalism skills. So for the sake of the blog, I say KEEP WRITING! And for the sake of me wanting to postpone my homework even more than I already have (hence frequent visits to the blog:), I will share with you some of the highlights of my life as I can remember since October 7, 2007:
1. Fall semester went by in a flash. I ran, I studied and I dated more in two weekends than I had in my whole 20 years of existence. It was great.
2. In January it was discovered that I had been running on a stress fracture for over 2 weeks and so I was sentenced to the eliptical, the bike, and the pool for a couple of months. I am almost fully recovered now and ready to run my first college track race next weekend in Missouri!
3. I applied for and got accepted into the Communications major at BYU and will officially begin my trek towards journalism this summer.
4. I recently found a love of playing the bass drum and traded in my violin for a shot at the drum during my orchestra concert! Don't worry, I got my violin back (the drum wouldn't fit through my apartment door).
5. I met this boy named Dave who is a complete heart throb. He lives downstairs (and so do I most the time!) and he makes me ridiculously happy.
6. Me and my roommates decided to take a trip to Wendover for fun (or maybe it was just incompetence in taking directions, I'm not quite sure), and so we went to McDonalds and got ice cream cones, since Wendover is one of the only places where you get that opportunity.
7. I walked into my bedroom on April Fools to find my bed had disappeared (mattresses, frame, pillows and all!). But don't worry, I found it!
8. In February I received news from the troops that a little southern bell named Brita would be taking BYU by storm this summer and gracing Apartment #13 with her grace, wisdom, and coolness. You can only imagine how I felt! Honored. Humbled. Awe-struck. Enthralled. And gosh darn EXCITED!
9. I, so far, have passed all my stats test. Definately a highlight. Turns out I do have a few microscopic math fibers somewhere in my body.
10. This semester I was called as a Relief Society Teacher. Boy, has that been both a challenge and a blessing in my life. Talk about facing your fears!
11. I've tried so many new things this year, thanks to my Rec. Youth Management Class, taught by my Uncle (Brad). Rock climbing, canoeing, cross country skiing, scuba diving, and snow shoeing have all been added to my "been there, done that, and loved it" list.
Well, I suppose thats it for now. Sorry to bore you, but I want you all to do the same! Write to me and tell me what's crackin in your lives! That means you too Grandma Harris, Gram and Gramp Guipre, Lesly, Jack, Jill, Brad, and everyone else! Keep the blog alive! I love you all! Many, many hugs and kisses,
1. Fall semester went by in a flash. I ran, I studied and I dated more in two weekends than I had in my whole 20 years of existence. It was great.
2. In January it was discovered that I had been running on a stress fracture for over 2 weeks and so I was sentenced to the eliptical, the bike, and the pool for a couple of months. I am almost fully recovered now and ready to run my first college track race next weekend in Missouri!
3. I applied for and got accepted into the Communications major at BYU and will officially begin my trek towards journalism this summer.
4. I recently found a love of playing the bass drum and traded in my violin for a shot at the drum during my orchestra concert! Don't worry, I got my violin back (the drum wouldn't fit through my apartment door).
5. I met this boy named Dave who is a complete heart throb. He lives downstairs (and so do I most the time!) and he makes me ridiculously happy.
6. Me and my roommates decided to take a trip to Wendover for fun (or maybe it was just incompetence in taking directions, I'm not quite sure), and so we went to McDonalds and got ice cream cones, since Wendover is one of the only places where you get that opportunity.
7. I walked into my bedroom on April Fools to find my bed had disappeared (mattresses, frame, pillows and all!). But don't worry, I found it!
8. In February I received news from the troops that a little southern bell named Brita would be taking BYU by storm this summer and gracing Apartment #13 with her grace, wisdom, and coolness. You can only imagine how I felt! Honored. Humbled. Awe-struck. Enthralled. And gosh darn EXCITED!
9. I, so far, have passed all my stats test. Definately a highlight. Turns out I do have a few microscopic math fibers somewhere in my body.
10. This semester I was called as a Relief Society Teacher. Boy, has that been both a challenge and a blessing in my life. Talk about facing your fears!
11. I've tried so many new things this year, thanks to my Rec. Youth Management Class, taught by my Uncle (Brad). Rock climbing, canoeing, cross country skiing, scuba diving, and snow shoeing have all been added to my "been there, done that, and loved it" list.
Well, I suppose thats it for now. Sorry to bore you, but I want you all to do the same! Write to me and tell me what's crackin in your lives! That means you too Grandma Harris, Gram and Gramp Guipre, Lesly, Jack, Jill, Brad, and everyone else! Keep the blog alive! I love you all! Many, many hugs and kisses,
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