Oh boy have I got some juicy news for you guys! It's certainly "blogaliscious." Mom- thanks for putting a post up. I loved the slide show of Brita (i swear she was the cutest little girl ever) and now I don't feel so lame being the only one to post on this blog. Grandma and Grandpa Guipre- Its really easy to put up a post, let me know if you need help, we all want to hear how ya'll are doing too! Anyway, as you all well know by now thanks to mom,....... I am engaged!! Yes, I Wendy Harris (a.k.a. "smallz", "hurricane wendy", "wendalyn", "that runner girl", or whatever name you know me by) am getting married on August 22 in the Timpanogos temple. I can hardly believe it myself. I know what you are all thinking, because I am thinking the same things:
1. Since when was she old enough to get married?
2. Didn't she just barely get her braces off?
3. Whoa, when did she even start noticing that there were those crazy creatures called "boys"??
4. And when did they start noticing her?
5. Wait, she has a life outside of running? What??
6. Does she know that when she is married she will have to COOK??
Oh yes, I know that each and every one of those questions buzzed through your minds the very minute you heard the news. Don't even try to deny it. :) Nevertheless, the news is true. You have officially heard it from the horses' mouth. So I guess there isn't much of a story to it. Dave has yet to propose. Turns out his grandma had a secret stash of diamonds that not even her own kids knew about (let alone her husband!) and she "remembered" it while Dave was telling her that he still has to get me a ring. We got hooked up with thousands of dollars of diamonds and a beautful setting from Dave's great-great grandma. What a blessing that was! So we took them to a jeweler and the ring is being worked on even as we speak. So for the sake of planning and organizing for something as momentous as a wedding we decided, on a chilly sunday night in April, to get married. Dave called Dad the next night and Dad simply said "Well, Sure!" (I had my ear next to the phone so I could hear him, but I really didn't need to because he said it so loud the whole parking lot could have heard!) Just Kidding, Dad. It was awesome and made me really happy. So lately we've just been trying to do a little planning and house hunting (trying to find married housing in provo is like trying to find the purple walrus; almost impossible!! oh that was a bad analogy, i hope you don't think I meant that I was looking for housing while sitting in the bath tub ;)) Anyway, I really hope you all can make it out for the wedding and/or reception. I would love to see you all and have you share in my special day!
In other exciting news, I was a very close-up witness to something that has only happed a hand full of times in history! Maybe you've already heard about it, I'm sure it was all over the news. Well, as I was working as an official at the Utah State track and field meet, I saw a man get skewered by a javelin!! You know, those spear-looking things that are really pointy and will kill you if you are a photographer not paying attention while walking across a javelin sector in the heat of a 4A boys competion? Yeah, those things. I won't go into much detail, you can read the article. But it was intense, and I'll tell you what, that man was the luckiest man alive at the moment that javelin decided to head for his leg and just break his skin, missing all muscles,

p.s. Mom- what picture do you have of me and Dave that I wouldn't like? Chances are I would't like any picture with me in it, but I want to know what picture this is that you are talking about! Is it the one that Grandma Harris sent you where I look like I need to go to the bathroom really bad?
Yes, it is the one from Grandma, the only one I own of you and Dave. Everyone that looked at it (in the family) said, "Why is she looking like that?" Except Dad who said, "That's just Wendy." Now we know your opinion. By the way, I've been sick today-not too bad so don't worry. Your blog made me laugh harder than I have for awhile. Thanks for the great stress relief! :)
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