Now that the dust has settled, it is time for reflection. The highlight, of course, was the temple sealing. Surrounded by those who were there to show their love and support to Wendy and Dave was an amazing experience. Sacrifices were made by many in attendance to be there and share in what turned out to be one of the most memorable sealings I have attended. The temple sealer made us all feel at ease with his sense of humor and very eloquent advice. I remember he spoke of forgetting oneself and serving our partner no matter what challenges we may face or how we may look several years down the road, advice not only directed to Wendy and Dave, but to all of us in the room.
Taking Wendy through the temple was another highlight. As the first of my family in the celestial room, I waited with anticipation for their arrival. I just kept thinking, "This must be the closest I will feel to heaven when we can all meet together again." As Wendy joined us, my heart was full. What a great place to meet Dave's family!
The North Hampton house reception was truly beautiful. It was great to meet more of Dave's extended family, co-workers and friends of Dave and Wendy, and many of our Utah family and friends.
After all was safely set up and on it's way, I was finally able to take a breath at the Lund reception and enjoy greeting good friends. Friends who had been a part of our lives since we first moved to this little community when Wendy was just 2 years old.
Okay, now for some other reflections and hopefully learning experiences. . . Prepare for some ramblings and maybe a little irreverence.
. Make sure that you leave plenty of time to arrive at the temple. Think of anything that could possibly go wrong and multiply it 10x.
. Do not make a hair appointment an hour before you are to be at the temple. As Wendy was patiently getting her hair done and we were all feeling the pressure, I felt like the kid in the movie, Christmas Story, who after witnessing the famous tongue sticking to the pole and hearing the school bell ring. Felt compelled to leave his helpless friend, exclaiming, "But, the bell rang!"
. Ask for more help with setting up. At one point, I was just about ready to give up when some angels appeared (Sherry, the Bennetts) and gave me a huge boost. Don't anticipate that everyone will be available when you need them. Ask for more help period!
. Computers are not our friends. They have their own agenda.
. Food, food, and more food!
. More music and dancing. Party on!
. Slow down, take a deep breath, and enjoy every single moment.
What a wonderful time I had celebrating Dave and Wendy's wedding with you and your family! What a beautiful couple! You can tell what fine examples have influenced their lives. I didn't notice that anything went wrong because you did such a great job. You are so fortunate to have such a nice community to rely on. I wish I didn't live so far away so that I could be a part of your lives on more a regular basis.
Thanks for your generous hospitality as always!
Comments from Dad (Gramp Guipre)
Wendy and Dave are a beautiful couple. All my grandchildren are beautiful and raised to be secure with ceaseless love and spirituous examples. Whenever we visit the Harris' I revisit my upbringing and ponder the wasting examples I experienced. I thank God daily for the example that Bill and Lisa set for my grandchildren. They all make me so proud! What a wonderful time and a beautiful celebration we experienced during the visit. The Shaha's are a fine family. After meeting Dave and his family I understand why Wendy fell head over heels in love!
Congratulations to Bill and Lisa for all the effort they displayed and the results they enjoyed. Thanks for the joy and happiness we experienced.
Love Dad and Gramp Guipre
Don't worry, you will only have one more wedding as the mom of the bride :) You did such a wonderful job making the weekend special. Thank you so much! I got the rest of the pictures from Trina. I think I'm going to downlaod them onto Picasa, which is a google storage website. Then I'll give you the link and you can check them out. There is over 2000 total! Including some really good ones of our family. I'll let you know when I get that done.
I love you!
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