This was the first football game we went to this season where it actually felt like football. It was COLD! Thank goodness BYU won, even if it was sloppy.

Next home game: BYU vs UNLV on October 25

Final Score

Oh we were happy to be there, these are just our "its-not-summer-anymore" faces. Brita's is the bomb :)
Wendy, I think I should smack you for putting that picture on here when I expressly asked you to delete it and never speak of it again!!
Love, a not so happy Brita
I don't remember that.... I must have been engrossed in the game. Please don't smack me! :) Besides, I think that look is very becoming on you. You'd be surprised the pictures you told me to delete that I didn't. ahahahaha
Very becoming? Wendy, I think you need some fresh air or something. That office of your's is making you crazy!! And what pictures of me do you have that I don't know about. We must burn them!!
Oh I don't think that's possible. You see, in the world of digital everything, you can't very well burn something. So so sad. :) You know that picture in Daity Queen? oh yes. No really Brita, even your "bad" pictures are cuter than most people's good pictures!
I meant Dairy Queen
Hahaha...Daity Queen!! Why do you always have the funniest typos!! Keppy Gabbert. And yes, we will never ever ever speak of that Dairy Queen picture ever again! I'm Serious!
Brita- Got another funny typo for ya. This morning I was typing a paper about the spanish population in Utah and I accidently typed "snapish" instead of spanish. I laughed and instantly thought of you.
P.s. Next time we go to Dairy Queen I am bringing two cameras so I can be sure to catch every moment. :)
Now I must see that "Daity Queen" pic and all the other "becoming" pics.
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