After playing hoops outside in the dirt and inside on the laundry room court, the boys finally had a chance to play on a team. Gabe's season started in November and finished up in December and James' went from January through February. Both had a great time and further developed their basketball skills. Although they did not keep score for Gabe's Junior Jazz team, he is sure they had a winning season. And, for those of you who remember James' 6th grade year (ugh!), they were only defeated by Round Mountain this year. Can you believe how far they've come? Now it's back to laundry room basketball. Mom and Dad can hardly wait until the weather warms up.
Speaking of weather warming up, both Bill and I have been relegated to running on the roads and out in the valley until some more snow melts. You have to time your runs just right. If you go too late in the day, you have to do a ballet dance around the mud. We have both been trying to put in a few more miles since we will be running a half marathon with Wendy and Dave (if his knee is up to it) on April 4th. I'm afraid we'll have mud for a long time with all the moisture we have received. I am not complaining though. We definitely have been in need of moisture. It will make the wildflowers much more prevalent and vibrant. :)
great pictures. can't say that I miss the laundry room racket, it's good to see that the boys did so well. And what happened to Skylar's eye?
and p.s. save some of the wildflowers for me! :)
James is so fast he's a blur! You know what the means? (Mom make sure James see's this) Baseball plaers don't run. Track rules and baseball drools :)
And Gabe is just a little heart throb :) definately cutest one on the team
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