Pictures are full of thousands and thousands of memories. And these ones that Grandma Harris just sent us are utterly priceless.

The ocean- dear to all our hearts

Those sweet brown eyes. He still uses this look on me when he wants me to do something for him.

love Sunchips!!!!

Gabe was
really excited about those cherries

Grandpa's little buddy. Look at that mess of blonde curls!

Three things: 1. Who's the creepo?! 2. Let's not talk about the fashion choices here 3. Look at how tan we are!!

Cutie patooties

Wendy and our beloved walnut tree. This picture is
so adorable!
I love these pictures! I miss the days of film cameras. We took less pictures, but every picture was precious. Brita- I love your Harry Potter overalls. :) I remember those! You loved them. And am I making that face on purpose or am I really scared out of my pants? Dad- nice purple shorts. Don't think that becuase you are so small in the pictures and that the ocean is incredible doesn't mean I can't see what you are wearing! Bah! I think my favorite is Gabe with cherries all over his face. And of course James' big brown eyes and curly blond hair. Those two squirts used to be SO cute. I guess they still are. just kidding! love you guys!
Such cute pictures of my nieces and nephews! I miss those times. Now you are all so grown up with your own life's. It makes me feel so old. I hope we can see you all very soon. Time is going by so fast!!!
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