After spending the night in Wendover, Bill and I did some sealings in the Salt Lake temple for some of my relatives. What a beautiful and large temple! Amazingly, the sealer pronounced the Guipre name beautifully. We spent the brisk afternoon visiting some sites around the temple, including the Beehive house which once belonged to Brigham Young.
Next, it was off to the Jazz game. If you didn't hear about this game, it was incredible! The Jazz and the Thunder were neck and neck the whole game. The game went into overtime with Deron Williams hitting the game winning shot with 1.1 seconds left. The Thunder inbounded the ball to Gabe's favorite player, Kevin Durant who shot a three at the buzzer. Jazz player C.J. Miles interrupted (fouled) him (depending on who you ask) and the Jazz came out the victors. The final score was 140 - 139. Kevin Durant scored 45 and Deron Williams 42. Crazy exciting!
Next we visited Brita at BYU. We spent the day on campus and swimming at our pool before going out to an all you can eat pizza place (YUM) and then to a Flash (Farm team for the Jazz)game. It wasn't as exciting as the Jazz game, but we scored awesome seats from our inside connection, Nate who seated us right behind the Iowa Energy's bench. It was interested sitting so close, almost too close if ya know what I mean. *!!***&%^##!
After continental breakfast, (Sorry, Wendy) and a visit to J Dogs (as you can tell, there was lots of eating on this trip) we said our goodbyes to Brita :(. We also visited the dinosaur museum on campus - as seen in picture.
Thinking we were "home free", we headed south on I-15 when suddenly, we experienced car trouble. Pulling off to the side of the freeway, Bill discovered that a crucial belt had broken and the engine was beginning to get very hot. While evaluating the damage, a guardian angel or one of the three Nephites appeared in a massive UDOT incident vehicle. He guided us to safety where we were able to replace our belt without any other damage to our car. It was truly a miracle.
Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you sat right behind the Iowa bench! No wonder you could hear what they were saying. These are some great pictures. I like Gabe's and Dad's face in the T-rex mouth. James's 'I'm getting eaten by a dinosaur' face needs some work. :) Where is that last picture taken? Is that the Beehive House? Thanks for posting!
What a fun filled spring break! Thanks for sharing with me:O)
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