Color Country Triathlon (Cedar City, UT) 400 meter swim start. Rocky and I decided to wait until the crowd took off before entering the murky water. Bill is standing with his hands on his hips. I'm in the blue top and black shorts at the edge of the picture. Thanks to Gabe our photographer for the day. Thoughts going through my head during the first 100 meters of the swim were; "I don't think I'm going to survive this swim." "What if I have to signal one of the kayaks to save me." How am I going to explain to everyone that I whimped out 50 meters into the race." "Could those kayaks even get to me before I go down?" "Why is this guy next to me flailing his arms and hyperventilating?" "He is really freaking me out!" "Oh my gosh, this seaweed is dragging me to the bottom of the lake!" After the first 100 meters I finally got into a rhythm and decided that I was going to survive the swim. By the way, the guy who was flailing his arms and freaking out also finished the swim. Turns out, he was one of Rocky's friends from Ely.

Bill emerges from the water and runs down the carpeted runway to the transition area to get his bike.

This is one of Gabe's "artsy" photos of me leaving the swim for the bike.

Pre race set up of the transition area. This was a total learning experience. We practiced our transitions at home many times even deciding which socks were the fastest to put on. Believe me, transitions are a science. We borrowed some smoking fast road bikes from friends.

Yeah! It's the finish line!

We are now triathletes!

Showing off our beautiful triathlon tatoos. We also had a number on both arms.

Our triathlon group, Bill and I, Rocky, and her nurse friends from Ely.

Bill finishing his triathlon. This was actually a minor miracle. Bill had seriously injured his calf on Thursday in P.E. class. I'm talking a calf muscle tear. He wasn't sure he would be able to run at all let alone do as well has he did. He wrapped it good that morning and felt okay to run so off he went. Swim=400 meters Bike=10.5 miles Run =5k. Bill finished in 1:16 I finished in 1:31. It was a pretty tough course with a serious climb in both the bike and run. I would describe a sprint triathlon in one word. FRANTIC You swim as fast as you can, you transition to bike as fast as you can, you ride as fast as you can, you transition again as fast as you can, you run as fast as you can without passing out. And then it's over. It's totally crazy. I was wiped out the rest of the day. Would I "tri" it again? You bet!
Wow!!! Great job you guys!!!
YOUGUYSAREAWESOME! I don't know if I'll ever work up the courage to do a triathlon. And I especially would never do it with a torn calf muscle. And I don't know anyone else that would. Well, besides this one crazy guy I know.....
Mom I love your thoughts during the swim. I can't believe there was actually a guy flailing around in the water. That would have freaked me out so bad.
Gabe- you're the man. Awesome pictures, dude. I love the "artsy" one of Mom. :)
Love you guys!
You guys are amazing to say the least!! I can't imagine where you get all the energy but I am thankful you find it. You are both in incredible shape. When and where is your next race? I am amazed that Bill was able to compete with a torn calf muscle. He has a lot of endurance no matter what!
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