
Where we roam with the deer and the antelope.

Christmas in Oregon

Christmas in Oregon

Saturday, February 27, 2016

snippets of life: we only have what we remember

One summer with a borrowed video camera, we decided to record our summer's activities in little snippets. This was before the digital age, so unfortunately, I can't share the video here but I can describe a few of the scenes. It was a typical summer here in Lund with a 24th of July fiddling performance, work being done at the rodeo grounds in preparation, "Dee preesoners of Lund with shivels", spoken in a Mexican accent, Gabe smashing a beetle with a toy tractor, This video was viewed many many times. Would we remember these little vignettes of life had it not been for that video? Most definitely not.

Which is why I play this line over and over in my head from a poem that Brita introduced me to called, "Wooden Heart", by Listener. The key line in the poem is, "We only have what we remember." I have thought a lot about this statement the last few years as kids have grown and left our home. I feel like it is more and more important that I document my feelings through words and pictures so that I can save this moment in time. I am so thankful that my daughters are also documenting their lives. Those blogs will be treasured for years to come. I am also blessed to have a husband who has and is very good at documenting key moments.

The memories that I do have that have survived without video and pictures are those times when I have been truly living in the moment. If I am distracted by something else and not truly focused on the present, the memory has slipped away. Some of these fondest memories are when a stressful moment has been totally turned upside down with humor. Like the moment we discovered we, as Girl's camp leaders, were totally lost with a group of girls under our charge. Or the time a workmate and I had just filed a whole file cabinet full of files backwards. Or the time I was at an elder friend's house and he opened up his organ to play us a tune out of his big note songbook and his organ looked like the Starship Enterprise. At each of these moments, I laughed so hard I began to cry. I hope to have many of those moments in the future. As for now, here are some of my favorite memories in pictures:
Youngsters on their get away to Canada

The lazy susan was always entertaining

"Save me from that big scary ocean" My how things have changed.

The Oakland temple where it all began

Remember Spike?

Playing in the irrigation water

Little miss organizer

This picture breaks my heart, but many prayers were answered

Aww, "Can I come outside, guys?"

Gabe in his element

Home improvement

Double birthday! Must have been a Grandma Harris cake

Melt my heart


Adventurous James

Am I wearing lipstick?

Grandpa and Wendy



Beautiful bride

Check out those shorts!

Our swimming pool

A favorite Christmas past time

Washington D.C.

These were just some random pictures I picked out. Maybe I will have a theme next time like music, sports, retro, awkward photos, who knows? Any requests or ideas? And if you are interested, I have another blog going documenting my running, struggles, joys, etc.


Brita said...

Ahhhh...Mom, this is lovely! So many memories. I love seeing all of these pictures

Brita said...

Ahhhh...Mom, this is lovely! So many memories. I love seeing all of these pictures

wendy said...

I laughed and cried so much during this post. Mostly cried the first few times. (Yeah this is like my 5th time reading it). I just can't wrap my head around my kids growing up and leaving me some day. But I don't like to think about it because the thought really makes me feel lonely and sad. I find comfort in knowing my blog and journal will be valuable someday because currently they feel boring and burdensome. I wish we had a way to digitize our old home videos! Those snippets are treasures. And yeah that is most definitely lip stick, mom! You rocked it. And those long patterned 90's shorts in the picture of you and dad KILL ME! I love those things. My most favorite mom get-up EVER.

Lesly said...

What a wonderful stroll down memory lane!! Those pictures really took me back and reminded me how quickly time has passed. It seems like just yesterday the kids were Oakley and Peter's age! I remember being at work when I learned of Brita's accident and was brought to uncontrollable tears (as I am now). Little Gabe is so stinkin cute and has always been such a helper to you. And that picture of Wendy and Brita on top of the fridge is one of my favorites. I don't think I ever got to meet Spike. I remember little adorable James was so busy and always on an adventure. You and Bill are such a good looking couple and inspiring in so many ways. So neat to see Wendell (that pic with Wendy is priceless!)and Carol and the cousins. And Grandpa and Grandma Anderson (who is that youngster in the middle - Ahhh I wish there were do overs). You guys have been on some great adventures and I'm glad you continue to do so and document them so well. Thanks for making me feel apart of it all by sharing with me.