
Where we roam with the deer and the antelope.

Christmas in Oregon

Christmas in Oregon

Monday, October 19, 2009

run, run, run

Dave and I ran a fun 5k last weekend. We hadn't run one together in almost a year. The course wound it's way around the University of Iowa campus. The weather was nice, we got sweet orange t-shirts, and there were free cookies post-race, so hey, we were happy. We also both placed high enough to win prizes! Wahoo!


Lisa Harris said...

Way to go, Wendy and Dave! Good luck in your race this weekend. :)

Unknown said...

Awesome job, Wendy and Dave!

Stephanie said...

Way to go, Wendy. Many a med school wife has made it through those many years because of a pair of RUNNING SHOES!!!

I know you've heard this before, but, wow. You are F-A-S-T!