
Where we roam with the deer and the antelope.

Christmas in Oregon

Christmas in Oregon

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

twenty one candles

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Brita's twenty one?
Nah, can't be true!
Oh. But it is.

Happy Birthday Brita!!


Brita said...

thanks, Wendy! You're the best! And thanks for picking pictures that show my true self: a weirdo.

Lisa Harris said...

That's the Brita we all know and love, lot's of fun to be around! :)

pokyhi said...

These pictures show that wonderful smile. You can't not want to smile back.... gee is that a double negative....Brita you are a real positive in my life.

wendy said...

hehe! That's so true Grandma! and Mom! Every time I see these pictures they make me smile! Pretty much every picture of Brita does. :) And yes, Brita you are a wierdo, but a fun, goofy, smart, beautiful, awesome, rad, delux kind of wierdo. :) I'll stop using the word delux now. It just cracks me up! :)